Poll: 9 out 10 Say Lawsuit Abuse Is a Problem

A recent poll conducted by the American Tort Reform Association and the grassroots Sick of Lawsuits released a national survey finding that a strong majority of people believe lawsuit abuse hurts economic growth, job creation, and U.S. competitiveness.

Below are a few specific findings from the poll:

  • 89 percent surveyed think that lawsuit abuse is a problem (34 percent say a “major problem,” 35 percent  say a “big problem,” and 21 percent say a “minor problem”). Only five percent say lawsuit abuse is not a problem at all.
  • 60 percent believe that the number of lawsuits filed against businesses has hurt the U.S. economy.
  • Nearly four of five surveyed (78 percent) believe there are too many lawsuits, with 8 percent thinking there are too few, and 3 percent who say there are about the right amount.

Click here to read the entire study.