Judicial Evaluation

The power of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to impact individuals and businesses can equal or exceed that of the legislature or the governor. Virtually every business, insurer, and medical provider is affected by some of the court’s decisions. Yet, few people understand who the justices are and how their decisions shape our lives and economy.

The Wisconsin Civil Justice Council (WCJC) board of directors is proud to present its fifth Guide to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and Judicial Evaluation. The purpose of this publication is to educate WCJC members, partners, and the public about the role of the courts in the state’s business climate and to identify trends in how individual justices voted.

2023 Guide to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and Judicial Evaluation (press release)

The 2023 Judicial Evaluation reviews important cases decided in the 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 terms of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. This fifth edition of the Judicial Evaluation provides a discussion of the facts and the court’s holding in each case, including any concurring and dissenting opinions. The guide lists how each justice decided the case, along with WCJC’s position on the court’s decision.

Previous Editions:

2019 Judicial Evaluation

2018 Judicial Evaluation

2013 Judicial Evaluation

2011 Judicial Evaluation